The Ammonite Snail (
Ammoniropa vigens) is a tiny, very flat land snail, yellow to off-white or greyish in colour, with a very wide umbilicus which is 30 to 40% of shell width. The Ammonite Snail is endemic to Tasmania and occurs only in the Hobart area. The species occurs in a variety of forest habitats, but has only been found under dolerite rocks. There are currently only two extant populations known, with an area of occupancy of 2 ha and a total population size of as little as 200 individuals.
The principal threats to the species include fire, and urban sprawl and its associated effects - including weeds, exotic invertebrates, and habitat fragmentation. The main objective for the management of the Ammonite Snail is to decrease its extinction risk by maintaining, improving and increasing extent and quality of habitat. This species was previously known as Discocharopa vigens.
A complete species management profile is not currently available for this species. Check for further information on this page and any relevant Activity Advice.