The Australasian bittern (Botaurus poiciloptilus) is a large, heron-like bird found in shallow and vegetated freshwater or brackish swamps. The bird can be very difficult to detect due to its camouflage-coloured plumage (its streaked and scalloped feathers blend in perfectly with background reedy vegetation); birds will also freeze if approached, and on windy days may even sway to match the movement of the vegetation. The Australasian bittern has a very distinctive booming call, which can be heard over large distances. While formerly widespread in Tasmania, particularly in the east of the state, over the last two decades the species has declined in numbers and range following an extended period of dryness. The main threats to the species include clearing and drainage of wetland habitats, and drying out of swamp habitat during extended dry periods.
A complete species management profile is not currently available for this species. Check for further information on this page and any relevant Activity Advice.