Brachyscome rigidula (cutleaf daisy) is a perennial daisy that in Tasmania extends from the Derwent to Fingal valleys. While known from about 30 subpopulations, about half have not been recorded this century. The species generally occurs in very small localised subpopulations, having only an estimated few thousand plants and occupying less than 5 ha in total. This places the species at risk from local extinctions from chance events, the risk exacerbated as recruitment may be limited. Recruitment is reliant on bare ground gaps that in many instances require disturbance for their creation. Plants, particularly seedlings, are highly palatable and there is a possibility that very small populations do not produce enough viable seed to prevent decline. Threats to the species include clearance, modification and fragmentation of its habitat, heavy stock browsing and woody weed invasion. Appropriate stock and weed management regimes would benefit many of the recorded subpopulations.
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Activity Advice.