The Burnie Burrowing Crayfish (Engaeus yabbimunna) is a medium-sized burrowing crayfish, typically reaching a length of around 6 cm. The species is endemic to Tasmania, occurring over an area of approximately 130 square km in and around the city of Burnie, north-west Tasmania. The Burnie Burrowing Crayfish is found in fern-dominated stream-side vegetation as well as in open and grassy sheep pasture, farm dams, roadside seeps and culverts, and sedgey marsh. The main threats to the Burnie Burrowing Crayfish include any activities which destroy or degrade the species' stream-side habitat, including such things as urban and agricultural pollution involving herbicides and pesticides, water diversion, forestry activities, roading and mining, and high-intensity burning of streamside habitat.