Advice on how individuals and organisations could help a species recover from its threatened status
What do we mean?
There are many ways in which your actions can help threatened species. For example, you can avoid activities which actually do harm to a species, whether it is clearing the vegetation from your block, over-burning the bush, spreading weeds and diseases in contaminated soil, and so on. Much of this website is focussed on providing advice on how to avoid or reduce the negative impacts of potentially damaging activities.
There are also many other things you may be able to do which actively help a threatened species. This page provides information on some of these ‘purely positive’ actions.
Retain native bush on your property
If you live in the bush, consider retaining as much of the natural environment as you can. Of course, there will be fire safety and other constraints on where native bush can be retained. However, in most cases it is possible to retain some of the native vegetation on your property while at the same time being fire safe and responsible. Seek advice from the
Tasmanian Fire Service on establishing a Fire Management Plan for your property which considers the amount of native vegetation you can retain.
Replace native bush on your property
If feasible, consider replanting or regenerating native vegetation of your property if it has been removed in the past. Use native species grown from seed sourced from your local area.
Establishment of covenants on private land
Private Land Conservation Program (PLCP) provides a coordinated and targeted approach to the establishment of voluntary conservation agreements with private landowners. To this end, the program works with partners including landowners to deliver a variety of initiatives and shorter-term incentive programs. This program allows you to permanently protect native vegetation on your property and can make an important contribution to conserving threatened species habitats around Tasmania.
The PLCP offers four types of approach to conserving natural values on private land: covenants of private land, the Land for Wildlife Scheme, the Gardens for Wildlife Scheme, and ongoing biodiversity management and stewardship support. Contact the
Private Land Conservation Program for more information on which scheme may suit your needs.
In some municipalities, establishing a conservation covenant through the PLCP program can attract land tax exemptions and rates rebates. Contact your
Local Council for more information.
Look after your bush by managing weeds
Controlling weeds on your property can be a great way to help threatened species. One of the most widespread threats to native vegetation is the spread of weeds. Weeds can displace and smother native species, and can alter the natural dynamics of the bush, for example by creating abundant and flammable undergrowth which increases the chance of the bush being burnt. The spread of weeds into native bush is recognised as being the principal threat to a large number of threatened plant species.
You can reduce the chance of introducing new weeds and further spreading weeds which already occur on your property by practicing good washdown and hygiene procedures. These include washing all equipment after working on weeds or in weed-infested areas, and ensuring all material (soil, gravel, sand etc) is free of weed seed. See the NRE
Washdown Guidelines for more information.
However, note that a poorly planned weed control program can in fact damage native bush. Always get expert advice on which herbicides to use when controlling weeds in native bush and near waterways, and avoid off-target damage to native plants. Refer to the
NRE Weed Index for information on weed control for the more common weeds in Tasmania.
Learn to recognise native plants and animals by name
Learn to recognise the native plants and animals in your area, and share your information. There are a large number of excellent publications to assist people in developing identification skills. If you know of any threatened species which occur in your area, become familiar with how to identify them and look out for these species. Seek expert assistance with identification if in doubt. And remember! check whether you need
a permit - this may be required even for disturbing a threatened animal or removing its products, such as nests, or for cutting part of a threatened plant.
Don't spread weeds by dumping green waste
An important source of weeds is the inappropriate dumping of garden waste in surrounding bush areas. Many weed seeds can survive in green waste and will sprout and spread into native bush. To avoid spreading weeds, always dispose of garden waste appropriately, for example by securely bagging and depositing at the local tip, by mulching and composting (the heat of the composting process will kill most weeds), or by drying out and/or burning the material in a responsible manner.Organise a survey of your property for threatened species
If you have the skills yourself, conduct a survey of the plants and animals on your property, including any threatened species. Your local Bushcare or Field Naturalist club may be able to assist you with a survey. Alternatively, organise an environmental consultant to conduct a survey.
Tell someone what you have found
Report your observations so they can be recorded and used by other people. The best place to record information about threatened species is the
Natural Values Atlas. Or you can send the information directly to the
Threatened Species Section.
You could join your local Bushcare or Field Naturalists club
Many areas have a local Bushcare group with an interest in helping conserve areas of native vegetation and threatened species habitat. There are also a number of Field Naturalist and other community conservation clubs in Tasmania, listed below. Field Naturalist clubs are an excellent source of local information on threatened species, and may be able to assist with surveys and identification of specimens. Field Naturalist clubs also publish a number of excellent identification guides to Tasmanian plants and animals.
Tasmanian Field Naturalist Club
Launceston Field Naturalist Club
North Eastern Tasmanian Field Naturalist Club
Burnie Field Naturalist Club
Central North Field Naturalists
King Island Field Naturalists and Birds of King Island
Threatened Plants Tasmania
Australian Plants Society Tasmania
Landcare (groups all over the state)
Southern Coastcare Association of Tasmania (SCAT)
Other coast care groups and activities
Some useful online publications
The following publications available online provide useful information on how to assist in preserving threatened species and their habitats in Tasmania.
NRE Bushcare Toolkit
NRE Threatened Species Handbook
Ten things you can do