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Euphrasia amplidens


Euphrasia amplidenspieman eyebright

Group:Magnoliophyta (flowering plants), Magnoliopsida (dicots), Lamiales, Orobanchaceae
Status:Threatened Species Protection Act 1995: endangered
Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999: Not listed
Found only in Tasmania
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Euphrasia amplidens (pieman eyebright) is a short-lived perennial herb that grows in openings amongst dense shrubby vegetation on ultramafic substrates. It appears to be restricted to a highly localised part of the catchment of the Pieman River in the central west of Tasmania. The species was recognised as unique during the 1980s when known only from specimens collected in the late 1800s but only re-discovered in late 2011. The species is known from three discrete patches extending over less than 50 ha, but occupying less than 1 ha and supporting fewer than 250 individuals. This increases the risk of losses through chance events, particularly as similar eyebright species are short-lived and may become restricted to soil-stored seed if conditions become unfavourable for recruitment. Risks are exacerbated by their semi-parasitic nature, making them susceptible to additional factors that may influence their hosts. The seedlings are particularly susceptible to low moisture levels prior to developing their parasitic attachments, making highly localised species such as Euphrasia amplidens susceptible to even small changes in rainfall patterns. Other threats include an inappropriate fire regime, and mineral exploration and extraction.

Key Points

  • Important: Is this species in your area? Do you need a permit? Ensure you’ve covered all the issues by checking the Planning Ahead page.
  • Important: Different threatened species may have different requirements. For any activity you are considering, read the Activity Advice pages for background information and important advice about managing around the needs of multiple threatened species.


Helping the species

Cutting or clearing trees or vegetation






Changing water flow / quality

Use of chemicals


Further information

​Check also for listing statement or notesheet pdf above (below the species image)​.

​​Cite as: Threatened Species Section (). (): Species Management Profile for Tasmania's Threatened Species Link. ​ ​Department of Natural Resources and Environment Tasmania. Accessed on .

Contact details: Threatened Species Section, Department of Natural Resources and Environment Tasmania​, GPO Box 44, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, 7001. Phone (1300 368 550).

Permit: A permit is required under the Tasmanian Threatened Species Protection Act 1995 to 'take' (which includes kill, injure, catch, damage, destroy and collect), keep, trade in or process any specimen or products of a listed species. Additional permits may also be required under other Acts or regulations to take, disturb or interfere with any form of wildlife or its products, (e.g. dens, nests, bones). This may also depend on the tenure of the land and other agreements relating to its management. ​​​​​