The Marrawah Skipper (
Oreisplanus munionga subsp.
larana) is a brightly coloured butterfly, rich caramel brown above with pale yellow wing marking and pale yellow below. The Marrawah Skipper is a subspecies which is endemic to Tasmania; another subspecies is found in alpine areas of mainland Australia. Known only from the coastal and near-coastal areas of the northwest coast of Tasmania, it is exclusively associated with the tussock-sedge
Carex appressa, which is its larval host and food plant. Its habitat ranges from dense
Carex appressa sedgeland (e.g. along drains and forest margins) and swamp forest to plantations and pasture. The main threats to the Marrawah Skipper are clearing of coastal and near-coastal habitat, further fragmentation of subpopulations, and inappropriate disturbance including cattle grazing, weed invasion and forestry. The objectives for managing this subspecies include protection of known subpopulations, location of other subpopulations, and increasing understanding of the species' ecology.
A complete species management profile is not currently available for
this species. Check for further information on this page and any
Activity Advice.