Pterostylis falcata (sickle greenhood) is a terrestrial orchid that in Tasmania has been recorded from only 3 or 4 localities in the north of the State, presumably from moist to wet forests on fertile substrates. The species has not been recorded since 1972 and the precise location of sites is unknown. Given the limited collections and time since the last recording, the total population in Tasmania is presumed to be small, with fewer than 1,000 mature plants, and likely to occupy less than 5 ha. Loss of habitat through historical clearing may explain the fragmented distribution of the species in Tasmania. While a better understanding of the distribution and needs of the species is required to guide management, the most important known need of the species is to prevent destruction and degradation of potential habitat in the general vicinity of recorded sites.
A complete species management profile is not currently available for
this species. Check for further information on this page and any
Activity Advice.