The Saddled Galaxias (
Galaxias tanycephalus) is a medium sized native freshwater fish growing to a maximum length of 150 mm. The species is found only in two lakes in the Central Highlands of Tasmania; it is abundant in Woods Lake and less common in Arthurs Lake. Both lakes have Brown Trout (
Salmo trutta) populations, and nearby Great Lake also contains Rainbow Trout (
Oncorhynchus mykiss), and trout are known to predate on the Saddled Galaxias. However, the Saddled Galaxias has coexisted with trout for over a century and currently is not thought to be threatened by trout under present natural recruitment levels. Reduced availability of important littoral habitats (e.g. rocky shore and macrophyte beds) via low water levels, associated with hydro-electric power generation and irrigation supplies, are thought to be a significant threat to this species. Additional potential threats to the species include introduction of other exotic fish such as Redfin Perch (
Perca fluviatilis), and deterioration in water quality. The principal management objectives for the species are to protect the two populations, ensure suitable water level regimes are preserved, and to investigate the possibility for translocations to establish a third 'refuge' population of the species.
A complete species management profile is not currently available for
this species. Check for further information on this page and any
Activity Advice.