Ten things you can do to help the threatened species that live in your local area
On Threatened Species Day 2013, we added posters relating to these Ten Things. You might like to print them out and stick them up. You can also print out a flyer listing the Ten Things - find the pdf for each at the bottom of this page.
1. Discover...
... which threatened species live around you, and what they need.
Use the Threatened Species Link and the
Natural Values Atlas to find out which threatened species are likely to live in your area and what they need.

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2. Plan early
All sorts of activities can impact on threatened species. So give yourself plenty of time to research and plan your activity, so that it won't put threatened species at risk.
3. Value your vegetation
Think twice before you cut down a tree, living or dead. Consider coppicing and pollarding instead of removing trees for firewood or fencing.
Use the Tasmanian Bushcare Toolkit as a guide to help you protect your vegetation.
4. Leave logs for frogs
.....and for lizards, beetles, velvet worms and other wildlife. Leaf litter, rocks and stones on the ground also provide essential shelter for lizards, snails and many other animals.

5. Reverse the loss
Seek advice on how to restore native habitat on your land.

Controlling weeds on your property can be a great way to help threatened species. One of the most widespread threats to native vegetation is the spread of weeds.
However, note that a poorly planned weed control program can in fact damage native bush. Always get expert advice on which herbicides to use when controlling weeds in native bush and near waterways, and avoid off-target damage to native plants. Refer to the
DPIPWE Weed Index for information on weed control for the more common weeds in Tasmania.
6. Control your pets and stock
Cats and dogs can kill native wildlife, and spread disease. Unfenced livestock can devastate whole populations of threatened plants and animals.
7. Careful with chemicals and plastics
Herbicides, pesticides and plastics on land, waterways and in the sea will kill not only weeds and pests, but some threatened species too.
Take care to ensure that no fishing gear is lost or discarded into the ocean. Collect any abandoned/lost or cut pot lines, rope or fishing gear. Report any observations of sick, injured or entangled seals directly to the Marine Mammal Hotline (0427 942 537). This will help facilitate a rapid response from DPIPWE marine specialists.
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8. Get involved
Join a group such as Threatened Plants Tasmania, Bushcare, Landcare, Wildcare, Waterwatch, Threatened Plants Tasmania or your local field naturalists:
- help with their conservation activities
- share the fun and information with friends and family
- report observations of threatened species, their nests, their dens and other habitat features that might need special protection, e.g. to the Natural Values Atlas or the Whale Hotline
9. Look after your land
Incorporate threatened species' needs into your plans for fire management and other bush maintenance work, and consider joining a conservation scheme such as Land for Wildlife or Gardens for Wildlife.
Private Land Conservation Program (PLCP) allows you to permanently protect native vegetation on your property and can make an important contribution to conserving threatened species habitats around Tasmania.
The PLCP offers four types of approach to conserving natural values on private land: covenants of private land, the Land for Wildlife Scheme, the Gardens for Wildlife Scheme, and ongoing biodiversity management and stewardship support.
10. Check. Clean. Disinfect. Dry
Keep weeds, pests and diseases out of your local bush by keeping your clothes, shoes, vehicles and gear free from soil, seeds and pathogens.
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